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Posted 3/15/2024 2:07 PM (#1027050)
Subject: Interesting "issue" to speak... Helix 7 G4N update..

Posts: 3482

Location: Elk River, Minnesota

As some of you know I just upgraded to new units this year to capture more of the features for Humminbird graphs and Minn Kota motors. I went with Helix 7 G4N units and per humminbird, there was an update that was made available on Feb 9th of this year. I completed the updates, but now when I go through my view options on the Helix, I no longer have the ability to see full-screen sonar, full screen Mega Down, or full screen Mega side. I have combo capabilities, but there are times where I just want the full screen. Has anyone else ever come across this on any humminbird update, and if so, what was the fix?

I figure I am going to see if I can reinstall the updates again as my starting point. Funny thing is, this same issue shows up in demo mode as well. I've made sure my sonar is on when looking through views and I can hear the pinging, so I've ruled out the cause as being the sonar is off... No change when sonar is on...same loss of views.

Thoughts or ideas?


Edited by VMS 3/15/2024 2:08 PM

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