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Posted 3/12/2024 12:07 PM (#1027008 - in reply to #1026993)
Subject: Re: Helix 12 wiring question

Posts: 1726

Location: Mt. Zion, IL
10 awg is far from overkill. I have a 0.5v drop from the battery to my HDS 9 in the bow in a 17 ft boat. My connections are all soldered. 4 awg is used to feed multiple units, not 10. Capacity on a chart that allows 10% drop is not for computers. This also does not consider the voltage drop of starting the outboard motor(s) to prevent voltage alarms. Each connection, no matter the type also adds a voltage drop. Bus bar, fuse, ring terminals, splices to the power cord…. Theories are great, trust an engineer and an installer with experience. Call Russell Marine and talk with them if you have doubts.

4 volts is more than just insufficient wiring, I agree, but wiring in wet environments, especially old wiring, has substantially higher resistance than any wiring chart would show.

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