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Posted 1/27/2024 3:46 PM (#1025985 - in reply to #1025969)
Subject: Re: Kicker Size

Posts: 3484

Location: Elk River, Minnesota

I run an 8hp on my 18 foot ranger 617. Does not have any lift assist, but I would feel an 8 or 9hp would be just about right for your rig. If you do any walleye fishing, the yamaha motors I believe have a way to dial down the idle so you can really slow down. My ranger is about 2500 pounds and the 8hp moves it along at full speed around 5.5 - 6 which is plenty...and it will do the job into the wind when I use it to help move the boat with the bowmount. either size you find, I think you would be doing well.. I believe the yamaha 8hp designed for being a kicker would be ideal.


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