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Posted 7/5/2023 10:13 AM (#1022086)
Subject: another charger question

Posts: 14

I have a Minn Kota 318 charger in my boat, all bought new in fall of 2019. At home, at the cabin, hotels, etc I have never had an issue. Two weeks ago in Canada, my boat kept tripping the GFCI. Same 50' 12 gauge extension cord I use at home, which is also a GFCI outlet. The resort owner even changed the outlet while I was up there to make sure it wasn't a bad outlet. Batteries hold their charge all day, so I don't think it is that. I have checked all the terminals and leads and didn't seen any issues. I saw on another forum that there can be issues with a boat in the water vs out, but didn't explain. Does anyone have any ideas on what I could/should check before I take it in?


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