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Posted 6/11/2023 9:57 AM (#1021530)
Subject: Alumacraft Tournament pro 185

Posts: 122

Location: Roscoe IL
I recently picked up a 2008 Tpro for a screaming price, 150 yamaha on it, in good shape, i imagine at some point it will need a transom, its solid as a rock no flex at the moment with me @ 205lbs on the cav plate.

Does anyone else have a T-pro (mines a CS) that theyre fishing muskies out of, im interested in how you have your boat set up in the back for musky fishing, I currently have a reck n rack bait box that was thrown in on the deal, but is about an inch taller than the back area of the Tpro, not sure if i want make it work, or if i should build a casting deck.

I will be hooking up Livescope on the port side stern area on a rail mount as thats where i cast from.

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