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Posted 5/24/2023 4:43 PM (#1021033 - in reply to #1021021)
Subject: Re: lithium battery

Posts: 9

Location: New Berlin, WI
North of 8,

I just switched out my batteries to Lithium. I have a 36V Minn Kota Ulterra and went with three Ionic Batteries 12V, 100 aH each based off of a lot of reading from satisfied customers across many forums. Probably overkill, but they should last for many days without needing a charge.

The Ionic batteries come with Bluetooth transmitting to an App where you can read your SOC (state of charge). Per Drewcraft where I bought them, a Minn Kota Precision battery charger can charge Lithium batteries with no damage on the AGM setting. Minn Kota Digital chargers cannot charge Lithium batteries.

I just installed the batteries in my Ranger Reatta yesterday. They came shipped from factory at 58%, and charged to full charge for the first time in 1 hours and 40 minutes. The only thing the Minn Kota Precision chargers will not do is show the charge of the Lithium batteries correctly - they still show 25%. But the Bluetooth app shows 100% and I have been assured that the Battery Management system will turn off charging the batteries when they reach 100%.

I am by no means an expert, but asked the same questions as you and am satisfied with my customer service and first charge. Now, on to the water……

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