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Posted 5/15/2023 6:16 PM (#1020766 - in reply to #1020700)
Subject: RE: Boat trailer

Posts: 3480

Location: Elk River, Minnesota

If you are adept at pulling the hub, you could most likely determine your need based on the size of the bearings. My Gut instinct says your hubs will be 1750 lb, having a larger inner hub than outer hub. Most trailers are 5 x 4.5 for the bolt circle so that should not be an issue, nor should the threads on the hub. It may be beneficial to get a new set of lug nuts if you are unsure, but if you take one of yours with when you go to purchase a hub, you can check to ensure it works.

Now...if your trailer has drum or disk brakes, you'd follow the same steps, just needing to get the correct size, which most likely would be a 10"

Please note, I'm shooting off the hip a bit here as I am not familiar with the current trailer you have. If you are in the twin cities area by chance, I'd come give you a hand...


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