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Posted 3/4/2023 11:39 PM (#1018623 - in reply to #1018529)
Subject: Re: Terrova

Posts: 716

miket55 - 3/2/2023 3:47 PM

Mojo1269 - 3/1/2023 9:56 PM

Not sure if its archived electronically but Bturg did this and had it in one of his articles in the print Musky Hunter Magazine I believe. Works great... and unlike fishing fish a jig ripper it wont break on a big fish.. :-)

Thanks, I found the article. Apparently it was invented to keep his TM head from bouncing while moving, and a side benefit was discovered.. I might try that.. It's in the April/May 2018 issue on pg. 12..

I mounted mine on the vertical axis. For the purpose of limiting head bounce but for sure is a good handle as well. Screws right on then use a dowl rod inside the handle to adjust for length. Add a rubber table leg cap to the end and your in business.

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