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Posted 2/17/2023 6:40 AM (#1018152 - in reply to #1018060)
Subject: Re: Ceramic Coating for Fiberglass?

Posts: 164

A true ceramic coating will last a few years or more. Will offer the best protection and make cleaning your boat a lot easier. I have never applied the product to a boat but have to a lot of vehicles. Its a good product that can be very expensive. Just know if you buy a store bought product that says ceramic (like Turtle Wax) on it and it says spray on and wipe off it is not a ceramic coating. Ceramic coating cant be bought for 14 dollars in a spray bottle. The big thing for vehicles and I would assume boats is maintaining that ceramic coating to make it last for years. That includes washing it with proper products and not stripping your boat of that product by using products that would alter the life of the coating. Again, I don't do it for boats but if you have any questions feel free to shoot me a message. You can go to any wal mart or places like that in any state and will see countless products with the word ceramic. I am assuming these are not the products you are referring too.

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