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Posted 11/4/2022 11:17 AM (#1014340 - in reply to #1014339)
Subject: Re: Kayak Muskies Tomorrow

Posts: 7049

Location: Northwest Chicago Burbs
kdawg - 11/4/2022 10:39 AM

Don't plan on kayaking anytime soon, but was wondering what landing net were u guys using. I'm looking for a smaller more compact net that could be used from shore. Not looking at a net for 50 inchers, got one of those, even though I don't use it much,lol, but fish up to 40? kdawg

I'm going with a Boga. Figure any fish that is deeply hooked, will cut hooks quick. Losing fish and not getting a pic, not a big deal.

*and no, I have not seen the successeses necessary to try these ideas out

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