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Posted 10/26/2022 3:32 PM (#1014134 - in reply to #1013921)
Subject: Re: What boat to choose? 18', new, sub $40k

Posts: 416

Location: Madtown, WI
I have the 1775 Adventure side console and take it to LOTW for a week a year. I would not get a full windshield and I would not let the 90HP deter you from the side console. The boat has PLENTY of get up and all you're losing is a few mph off top end, guessing 40mph vs 44mph. I can get an adult (a snobby one at that) up on a slalom ski, no problem. Can't speak for the other boats you've mentioned, but the Adventure would make a great boat for LOTW. Impact also terrific but had a bit less floor space for family stuff, but I think they have jump seats now?

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