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North of 8
Posted 9/30/2022 11:09 AM (#1013323 - in reply to #1013321)
Subject: Re: Kayak Muskies Tomorrow

Keep your center of gravity (butt) low, centered and you will be fine. Shoulders should stay roughly within the width of the kayak. Easy to get excited, lean too far and splash.
We kayak rivers and lakes with a group during the summer and one of our group, an experienced kayaker, forgot the basics trying to take a pic of the group on a river, leaned a little too far trying to get the shot. Ended up in the water and her iPhone is somewhere on the bottom. (I know all this but about a month ago hooked a bass while fishing for crappie, last second as I reached for it, it dove and I grabbed for it and almost capsized. Just dumb, but easy to do)

Hope you have a great day.

Edited by North of 8 9/30/2022 11:19 AM

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