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Posted 8/28/2022 8:34 AM (#1011147)
Subject: Rust on stainless steel rails and corrosion on equipment

Posts: 44

Strangest thing happened. I leave my Ranger in my garage in N Wisco. Never had a rust problem. Came back after not being there for 3 weeks and I had rust on the front stainless rails and certain rod/leader/reel components. The rust was isolated only to the front casting deck area. There was also green corrosion on all leader components. Certain parts of my St Croix Tournament Legends had corrosion (small ring at top of fore grip and reel seat tightening ring). I also have some Stradic spinning reels and there is green corrosion on the "brass" or "gold" parts of the reel (not sure the type of metal)

No rust on any other stainless in the boat and no corrosion on equipment in rear of boat.

Any ideas?

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