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Posted 8/26/2022 12:24 PM (#1011095 - in reply to #906546)
Subject: RE: My New 'Up North' Ride, Lund 1625 Fury XL

Posts: 351

Location: Vilas County, WI
sworrall - 5/15/2018 1:21 PM

There should be latches to hold the rear deck in place, at least there is on my boat.

Steve - I'm intrigued here. So I have a 2017 Lund Impact 1775 Single Console with the aft flip up platform/seats. When trailering, if I go faster than 55mph down the road I have to flip it up, because if I leave it down the wind will catch it and flip it up anyway (with a lot of force). It's annoying because I'd rather leave it down 95% of the time.

So are you saying there's some sort of latch I can use to keep the platform secured in the down position?
Big Show

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