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Posted 8/19/2022 9:39 AM (#1010908)
Subject: Kicker for Lund Impact 1775?

Posts: 351

Location: Vilas County, WI
I have a 2017 Lund Impact 1775 - 17'10" with a 94" beam, single console. We are starting to do more trolling so I'm considering adding a kicker.
Do I need long shaft or will short suffice?
Do I heed a 9.9? or will a 8hp (or smaller) work good enough?
Must I use Mercury ProKicker? Or can I use a regular Mercury?

I never troll faster than 4mph. All my fish seem to come going slower than that.
I did a search here on the site already but most of the responses were related to kickers on glass boats.
Big Show

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