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Posted 8/18/2022 8:06 AM (#1010883 - in reply to #867795)
Subject: Re: Replacing transom on fiberglass boat,,worth it??

Posts: 358

10 years back i had the transom fail on my 692. There was an issue where the silicone between deck halves would push out and water gets in and if it freezes it would split them.

At that time it was a $4500 quote from Ranger. And that would have been nice and like new, but i couldn't afford at the time.

So I bought some sea cast and some basic glassing supplies and decided to do it myself. Its still stronger today than it was when it was new, just doesn't look as pretty. If you want to keep the boat for yourself and make a good safe strong fix, some basic skills can do that. If you want it to be pretty and want to sell it, probably paying for a professional is the way to go

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