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Posted 8/11/2022 5:20 PM (#1010698 - in reply to #1010692)
Subject: Re: Imaging Transducer Mounting

Posts: 72

I have the brew city mounts on both sides of my deck. I use whatever side I'm casting on. They do get in the way a bit during the 8, but IMO it's worth the extra ~5' of visibility.

I badly bent the pin of one of the mounts when idling between spots 3 MPH and a bunch of floating weeds got stuck on the pole, so I dunno if I'd use it for trolling.

When running, I put the pole on my deck and secure it with a rod tie down. Based on my experience with the weeds, I bet it would break if you tried to stow it horizontally and run anywhere when it's choppy.

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