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Posted 7/8/2022 8:29 AM (#1008579 - in reply to #1007204)
Subject: Re: Dakota Lithium 36V 100ah

Posts: 67

I do not have Dakota. I have Battleborn, so I can only tell you about my "leap into lithium." I use two 100AH on a 24 volt system to power my 80 lb Terrova. As you know, Lithium is very expensive up front, but cheaper over the long run. My experience is they do everything they say. No drop off even after 12 hours, charge back up quickly, much lighter than conventional batteries, etc. I like them and would tell anyone if they have the money that it is worth it to go that way as it is cheaper over the long haul. My understanding is that some guys have been getting over 13 years out of the BattleBorns and Dakota may have similar results.

Edited by jase2 7/8/2022 8:31 AM

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