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Posted 5/29/2022 12:33 PM (#1006646)
Subject: Prop question

Posts: 633

Location: Madison, WI
Boat - Ranger 618vs
Motor - 2021 Mercury 115 fourstroke

Motor is mounted one hole up. Have a Solas 3 blade stainless 13x19. Hole shot is ok with one guy, so so with 2. Top speed is 47 on gps. Boat likes to porpoise is trimmed up much and any chop on the water. Rpm’s are around 6k at WOT. Tried a Solas stainless 4 blade 13 1/4x15 hoping for better hole shot and less porpoising, but rpm’s max out at 6300 and speed barely touched 39-40. Hole shot was not significantly better. I’m thinking of trying a 17 pitch, but wondering if 13 is the best diameter or should I go up to 14? Of the two props, the 13x19 performs much better

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