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Posted 5/25/2022 5:33 PM (#1006588 - in reply to #1006476)
Subject: Re: Solix/Helix?

Posts: 32890

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Not sure you would like the Mega 360 for your main bow display. I ended up putting a Helix 7 on the nose in ice mode for my all-the-time front sonar paired with a Mega 10 for the 360. I spent years staring at a flasher so I really like that option. Now I can see what's 360 degrees around me and what's directly underneath at the same time which really puts things in perspective when fishing structural pieces that are small, like rock piles and cribs. Guide the ride in on the 360 and fish it 2D. You could use a Helix 5 Gen 2 unit for $200 on the bow, not a real hard bullet to bite. I did that for a year.

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