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Posted 5/23/2022 1:15 PM (#1006560 - in reply to #1006555)
Subject: Re: Solix/Helix?

Posts: 1726

Location: Mt. Zion, IL
No way I would consider garmin for SI over Lowrance or bird. The new 3 in 1 is so close to the hb mega that it’s hard to tell the difference. Garmin has live sonar marker cornered, but their SI and DI is not close. Have used all 3 and within the last year. I prefer the touch screen units and wouldn’t buy a helix for that. Map sharing and back scrolling with the helix are another pair against helix units. Scrolling with a helix stops the sonar.

Solix, apex, or hds live IMO if you want the best SI, DI, and sharing capabilities.

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