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Posted 5/20/2022 6:10 PM (#1006502 - in reply to #1006476)
Subject: Re: Solix/Helix?

Posts: 1294

With the networking, you can choose which transducer you use for each type of view. I also fish from the back of my tiller boat, and have my bigger Helix back there, and my smaller Helix up front. I have the front unit use the rear transducer for side imaging (don't have the side imaging transducer on my Ultera, just the 2D/down imaging). I have that unit use the trolling motor transducer for the 2D/down imaging. In the rear, I use the rear transducer for side imaging and 2D, and use the trolling motor transducer for down imaging. With Helix units, you have to have a separate chip for mapping, so I don't use the mapping in the bow. I think you can share way points, but not mapping. Only the Solix will share mapping.

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