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Posted 4/29/2022 8:49 AM (#1004910 - in reply to #1004419)
Subject: Re: Musky Boat

Posts: 51

The Lund angler 1650 ss is a boat that caught my eye and budget. Sworall said it’s similar to the fury he likes. Do you think it would be a good 2 man, 1500 acre lake or smaller muskie boat?
I’ve been in a 71’ Lund s-14 and it’s just not very stable for standing and casting, my dad has trouble standing in it long term and I’m tired of getting swamped by wake boats and needing to stay home if the wind is 12 mph plus. I fish Okauchee and Oconomowoc lakes mostly so boat traffic wake is my biggest issue with my boat. I also don’t have a truck to tow a boat over 2000# loaded

Any other 16-17’ options to consider for a smaller muskie boat? I want a tuffy x-170 but can never find one.
I’d consider a esox mag, esox Ltd or ranger 681 like the one for sale.

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