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Posted 4/21/2022 9:09 PM (#1004710 - in reply to #1003104)
Subject: Re: Ranger Reata VS 1782 Aluminum / 115 Mercury Pro XS

Posts: 72

I looked at these too. Ended up with a Lund. There were a ton of quality issues from Rangers aluminum line. I've heard it is made in the same plant as tracker. Seeing a few in person I wasn't impressed. Pretty hard to beat the aluminum boats coming out of Minnesota. I ended up with an impact 1875. I went with the best layout of the 3 boats we had in mind, If you like your crestliner I'd look at them closely too. They just didn't have the storage I wanted. I like the idea of welded and the white with black was my favorite color but layout and functionality won.

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