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Posted 4/19/2022 10:09 PM (#1004649 - in reply to #1004631)
Subject: Re: Older tuffy boat

Posts: 32890

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Slamr - 4/19/2022 4:06 PM

sworrall - 4/19/2022 8:13 AM

Great hull that offers a good ride. Stable at rest. Check the transom carefully, and check all the decks and side tanks for soft spots. Put some pressure on the seat posts to see if they flex abnormally. If there's no engine on the boat use a small screwdriver to check the bolt holes for rot. If there is, stand on the cavitation plate to see if things are solid. If all that checks out, you should be good to go.

I worked with Tuffy for 43 years.

So....? I read on the internet (I did my research) and..

You funny, Mr. Tuffy guy!

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