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Posted 4/12/2022 9:40 PM (#1004359 - in reply to #1004357)
Subject: Re: Musky Boat

Posts: 1273

Location: E. Tenn
esoxaddict - 4/12/2022 9:58 PM

I know you said you don't like fiberglass, but the Esox Magnum is a nice platform for musky fishing. Plenty of open space, close to the water, and easy to get in and out of crappy landings. Added benefit is it's super light - for us older guys it makes getting it on and off the trailer and moving around the garage manageable. a lot of us old guys don't want to be out there in wind and waves beyond the E-Mag's capability.. It's also a pretty easy step from the trailer to the forward deck at the launch and vice versa. In fact, it even makes me look nimble!

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