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North of 8
Posted 2/24/2022 4:19 PM (#1002849 - in reply to #1002848)
Subject: Re: HB trolling motors

CincySkeez - 2/24/2022 4:10 PM

North of 8 - 2/24/2022 2:26 PM

Given the use for trolling, would going with a transom mount, 36 Volt Vantage from Minn Kota be the way to go? They are designed for actual trolling and claim to get the maximum efficiency out of battery use.

I suppose if he is willing to give up link and hands free operation.

Certainly could be an issue but if you are only trolling, not casting couldn't you just use your electronics for positioning and if you are trolling, not casting hands free wouldn't be a big issue? I have a kicker on my boat and use my SI when I am trolling. That was my rationale. I have link and remote on my Ulterra/Mega SI/DI but use that when casting.

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