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Posted 2/22/2022 3:26 PM (#1002737 - in reply to #1002687)
Subject: Re: lund sport trac mounting options for musky

Posts: 427

Cradle goes on the 42 degree mount. Mount fits in the sport trac. Two "T" knobs tighten the mount to the track. Easy on and off and easy to reposition. Rock solid mount. Check Cisco Fishing Systems web site for pics. Cisco mounts will hold the large musky trolling reels Sealine 27 no problem. I have Fat AZ's but I only use them for walleye trolling. Just my preference. The FAT AZ mount its self is rock solid. The pot metal mount it is designed for is not one I favor....just my opinion, for Musky trolling We troll Large Dipsy Divers off the cradles in 4-5 ft waves day after day on the Great Lakes. Never had a problem with Cisco products. Plenty of guys trust the Fat AZ set up in Ohio as they are very popular here. But you pay your money and make your choice. Either will work. Just depends on what you trust. Good Luck

Edited by 7ovr50 2/23/2022 9:29 AM

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