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Posted 1/7/2022 7:41 PM (#1000169 - in reply to #988553)
Subject: Re: LiveScope and similar technology

Posts: 206

My primary fishing partner installed a Garmin Live Scope unit in his boat this past summer. My rig is networked for Hummingbird so I waited for Live Imaging to roll out this past fall. So far we have been using the units in open mater during two specific seasonal time slots that correspond to cisco movements. Typically we take turns casting while the other controls the boat. We have found that the fish higher in the water column typically 12 feet or less are far more aggressive so we focus on those fish. Our experience also suggests that approximately 1 out of 15 fish shows an active interest in the bait presentation. As far as mortality this year we boated 26 muskies between the two boats with 20 being in his boat. Of those we lost one fish that inhaled a crankbait while trolling in 12' of water and was unrelated to sharpshooting. BTW - I also took my bumpboard out of the boat and now use a floating stick if I or my guest feels the need to measure.

Edited by pstrombe 1/7/2022 7:45 PM

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