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Posted 4/12/2022 6:19 PM (#1004350)
Subject: Musky Boat

Posts: 3

I am interested in what you master blasters out there think about how close to the water the “musky” boat should or can be, and what’s available out there. I currently have an older 18 Lund Pike and 17 Angler tiller that both fish fairly close to the water —critical in netting and releasing a fish, but they are getting older and I would like to upgrade. I like the boats, but technology and longevity seem to dictate a lot. The problem I’m seeing is so many boats sit very high off the water like the newer Lunds that have the “bathtub” look. I get a chuckle out of watching Al Linder groaning and straining to reach that bass 4 feet below the gunnel in his 90k Pro V. One stat I would love to see is how high the gunnel is from the surface of the water? The bass guys figured this out a long time ago, and Lund has come out with ProV Musky, but this essentially IS a bass boat which for 50+ guys like me, probably shouldn’t own. Plus there not enough floor space for all the tackle and gear Musky guys need. Impact, Fish Hawk, Competitor, Ranger alum. etc. they are all similar. Any metal boats you guys like? Glass boats would be one answer, but I’m not looking that way for a variety of reasons, and if possible the Skeeter MX series was a great solution, but is discontinued. Ranger, Triton, Recon, Lund glass, Campion Rage?!, all huge $. The other amazing thing is how high these boats sit on the trailer, like my chin barely makes it to the gunnel. It’s sure nice to be able to reach into your boat! THANKS!

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