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Steve Worrall's Blog
Blog this...
9/26/2005 3:25:33 PM
As of late, some of the 'new society' in the muskie world have become REALLY aggressive in the business of establishing position. Here's where the Old Guy stuff kicks in.

I really hate to see division and controversy driven by ego, that isn't constructive and certainly doesn't compliment the sense of community we all seek. Sure, there will be the social deviants out there, but we'e been fortunate enough to only encounter one here in the last 4 years, and I do so miss Buckster.

I'd like to pass on some observations here in the hope of making an impact with those folks jostling for position. Why would I do that? Too many reasons to list, but the most important is just to push the concept of humility, and the idea that we all are in this community together. It would be really nice to get along a bit better.

To the egocentrics out there, and you know who you are:
So you catch a few big fish. Maybe you are a Pro Staffer for a company or two. Perhaps you write a bit, maybe you guide or fish tournaments. You haven't done anything unique, different, or exclusive; there are thousands of guys who have done those things, some still in the public eye, and many not. Some would outfish you, and that’s a fact.

I have no business offering advice from any angle but this; I have been on all sides of the fence, Industry/Pro/Guide/Writer/Just another guy. I'm not alone, either, this has been the topic of conversation amongst us industry types and many of the folks who've been around the block a few times for a few months now.

We don't need you to tell us what to buy and what not to buy unless you're actually a retailer and can speak to NUMBERS of experience. Even then we'd appreciate your advice, but only in the context of why your choice is actually BETTER than others, not what your opinion of 'junk' is. I might have one or two of those 'junk' items, and actually LIKE them alot, so to me, your credibility is shot clean to hell. If you have changed your brand as often as your shorts, then shut up, you have no credibility anyway.

What about your experience trumps the experience of anyone else’s? Sure, if the question is asked, it's expected and encouraged you'll answer, but Puuuleaseeee, do so with some tact and humility. If you're right in your answer, many of us already know that. If your answer disagrees with someone else’s RELAX, it's entirely possible there is more than one answer to any one muskie question. No one's trying to diss you, the rest of us have the right to our opinion too.

There will be other aggressive muskie aspiring Pros who are shooting at the same target as you. They are your allies, not your competition, but this isn't an usVS them deal, either. It's your collective job to create an image that's attractive and informing to the rest of us. Show us you have legs in the business, that you are a fair, honest, reasonable, talented stick with something to offer, not something to prove. Sitting around in a collective electronic circle jerk sporting some sort of supposed huge cognitive advantage over the rest of the muskie anglers out there will not get that done. So what if you have done your studying; someone had to write the stuff you read to become so informed, and most of those authors are still fishing. Pounding yourself on the back while beating up on some poor fellow who disagrees with your ideas or preferences will do nothing but make you look like schoolyard Jock bullies to the rest of us poor students out there. This never ends, no one knows it all. No one. Every single muskie angler out there is a student of the sport until the last day he gets on the water. This isn't basketball or football where sheer athletic ability will get you by, no matter how obnoxious you might get. This sport is very personal to most of us, and there isn't any high powered team paying your way. Your audience is the collective 'us' you so frequently forget are even there.

That's why some make it over the long term career either part time as Roger Sabota, or full time like Mr. Dorazio and some don't. Those who will still be here in front of audiences at sport shows and writing in magazines and promoting the top company's products are the guys who 'get it'. The rest? Well, that’s what this entire rant is about.

Posted by Bytor on 9/30/2005 1:45:12 PM
Well said Steve. I agree 100%.

Posted by sworrall on 9/26/2005 11:44:09 PM
Thanks, sir, I appreciate your comments. Sorry for the rant...

Posted by 2Rodknocker on 9/26/2005 9:30:28 PM
Very well written. Everybody who frequents these boards should read your thoughts.
It made me step back and think.
We DO need to be in this together. I think the size of our community is often forgotten. We are about the same percentage as the quarry we seek.

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