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Posted 5/29/2018 2:00 PM (#908535 - in reply to #885645)
Subject: Re: New Terrova or Ultrex???

Posts: 546

Location: MN
Thuawk - 12/1/2017 9:03 PM

Absolutely love my ulterra... My question is with the ultrex do you have to keep your foot on it like the old cable drive trolling motors. Because I have used like a fortrex before and that part of cable drive system I absolutely hated and it boggles my mind why anyone would use a cable drive

No, unlike the other cable-steer motors, the Ultrex motor remains pointed in the direction you leave it, whether the prop is on or off. This also means that that the motor does not send torque back into the pedal, making it very easy and providing a consistent effort to steer the Ultrex.

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