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North of 8
Posted 5/19/2018 9:00 AM (#906825 - in reply to #906823)
Subject: RE: New Mercury Motors

Badgerpat1 - 5/19/2018 7:47 AM

Anyone seen or experienced the new line of Mercury four strokes that are replacing the Optimax line? Seems like the concept is based on their 150 four stoke that has been a hit. Frankly, I like the idea of going simpler...good old fashioned increased displacement for power. Not sure how they are keeping them light. Thoughts or experiences?

Don't have experience with the newest motors but having lived in Fond du Lac before I retired a few years ago, I know Mercury has been investing millions in new plant and research facilities over the last 7 or 8 years, almost continuous construction. They have one of the most advanced casting plants in the world and have added a lot of state of the art machining as well. One of their goals over the last 15 years has been to make 4 strokes more powerful on a power to weight basis and have invested a lot time and money into that goal. Knew a couple of engineers that worked there and they talked about it like it was the holy grail. Power to weight and reliability. Everything was focused on that.
Since the worst of the recession, they have more than doubled their employment in WI.

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