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Posted 4/29/2018 9:30 AM (#905370 - in reply to #905108)
Subject: Re: would you buy a used boat/motor with new powerhead

Posts: 13688

Location: minocqua, wi.
Dave T. - 4/26/2018 5:34 PM

Musky Brian - 4/26/2018 4:38 PM

VMAX were not bad engines for that time frame at all. I personally wouldn’t buy a motor on a second powerhead...keep shopping. There’s too many stories across brands of powerhead 2 going *poof*

ya i was kind of leaning that way too, probably why its been for sale for a month and still available.

maybe i could repower it? do they take trades on old motors??

i sold an old motor when i re-powered. it wasn't take as a "trade-in" but sold on consignment in a way that i didn't have to handle it so it worked out great. don't expect too much and you'll have to find a dealer that will work with you and allow them to make some money on the deal. anytime you buy an old boat with a 2-stroke hanging off the back, be prepared for a major repair and/or re-power. i got 3 seasons out of the motor that was on my boat, re-powered and considering another re-power now. the numbers look good based on what i have and what i'm considering. it's still a lot cheaper than new, just requires more cash and planning.

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