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Posting a reply to: Pneumatic Trailer Jack Wheel or any ideas?

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Posted 4/18/2018 9:25 AM (#903905)
Subject: Pneumatic Trailer Jack Wheel or any ideas?

Posts: 53

We keep our boat in a garage on a slope. The entrance to the garage is a flat sandy, grassy area. It is a tight spot and the boat must be removed from the truck and maneuvered by hand. I can usually handle it with some struggle. However, my 65 year old Dad has a harder time with it when I am not around. The small plastic trailer jack wheel sinks into the sandy, sometimes muddy grass. Paving the area is not really a possibility. Gravel might help and will probably be a future option. The best thing would be a larger width, high flotation tire on the trailer jack. I cannot seem to find one anywhere that fits this description. Does anyone know who makes something like this? The boat is an 18' aluminum flat bottom boat. Probably #1500 total

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