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Posted 10/7/2017 6:42 AM (#880477 - in reply to #880057)
Subject: Re: Helix 7 Chirp SI G2N vs Helix 10 SI GEN 1

Posts: 410

Location: Wakefield, MI
I have a Helix 9 mega SI on the bow and a Helix 7 DI on the console, connected them with an Ethernet cable (AS EC 15 with a pair of AS EC QDE adapters), the transducer is connected to the 9" Mega SI. With the Ethernet connected, I am able to access SI and mega frequencies with my 7" even though It shouldnt have them. I hooked this up last week and tried it both Saturday and Sunday, both days everything was working great for about half an hour then I lost my Ethernet connection. I talked to Humminbirds and they said one possible issue could have been a low battery, mine hadn't been charged in a while so that is a possibility. I'll be trying this setup again this morning and will let you know if it works.

I also installed the DI transducer that came with my Helix 7 last night just in case I can't get the Ethernet to work. From what I've read, if you run different frequencies on each sonar they shouldn't interfere. I've never run two fish finders on one boat before so this is my first try, will let you know how it works.

Edited by milje 10/7/2017 6:44 AM

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