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Posted 10/4/2017 9:00 AM (#880057)
Subject: Helix 7 Chirp SI G2N vs Helix 10 SI GEN 1

Posts: 77

Anyone have opinions?

I have a 597CI on the boat right now. Always wanted SI for trolling (walleyes and musky).

I was thinking on using the 5" for mapping and one of the newer units for SI/sonar. Eventually will probably move the 597 to the front of the boat and get a 7 for maps.

The Helix 10" SI GEN1 is almost the same price as the Helix 7 CHIRP SI G2N.

Obviously either unit would be an upgrade. I like the idea of a bigger screen, do I really need "CHIRP"?

I'm looking to spend around $800.

What do you guys think?

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