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Posted 9/27/2017 1:38 PM (#879437 - in reply to #878431)
Subject: Re: Xi5 owners

Posts: 437

This is my 3rd season with the xi5 and I did have a problem out of the gate, but that was clearly a manufacturer defect. They overnighted a new unit and received the day after the original (I would plug in trolling motor and it ran WIDE OPEN, couldn't turn off).
Aside from that it has been great.
I never use the remote and foot pedal together. I tried that once but it was clear that wasn't a good idea since it got confused.
The only time I have experienced the type of behavior mentioned is when using both the remote and foot pedal together OR if the remote batteries were dying. I replaced the remote batteries and it was flawless.

There have been times in Canadian Shield type scenarios that it seems to have a difficulty with heading, but I just quickly push the heading lock button to disable it for a bit and then back on.
I had this SAME exact problem with the Minn Kotas I had previously.
IDK about the comments about a display on the remote, I don't want that at all. That just makes it clunky. I have made so many comments on different forums, facebook, etc against that. It is so easy to use as it is I see no benefit, prop on, LED on motor on, cruise on, GPS fix blinks, set cruise speed is 1.0MPH by default, +/- button increases or decreases speed .1MPH.
Its really that simple.
Then if you get the Pinpoint gateway it is even better you can do it all from the HDS, which is what I do when I sit behind the console.

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