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Posted 8/20/2017 8:34 PM (#874985)
Subject: Terrova Foot Pedal Repair

Posts: 2687

Location: Hayward, WI
I pulled a bonehead maneuver while vertical jigging crappies and wrapped my line around the prop. In my haste to quickly turn the speed dial to 0 I either stomped on it or turned the dial past 0.

Now on setting 0 the motor won't shut off. It's probably running at about 30 percent. If I turn it all the way up it goes faster until it shuts off at somewhere between about 8 and 10 or so. Not sure if I broke something or jumped a gear or what happened.

I took the cover off the pedal but after that it isn't too obvious to see how to access the dial to see what might be going on there.

Anybody have something like this happen and know the fix? Or do any service centers work on the foot pedals?

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