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Posted 8/9/2017 10:50 AM (#873660 - in reply to #793511)
Subject: Re: Recon vs Tuffy

Posts: 555

Location: Tennessee
I can't provide photographic evidence just off the top of my head but my father has been an outboard mechanic since he was a kid and his father since there have been outboards. I've been in and worked on hundreds and hundreds of boats since I was a kid. I've also saw plenty of boats that have collided with other boats, rocks, logs, boats stored in the poorest conditions imaginable,speared waves hard enough to seperate the hull, etc. I also am a Ranger fan as I do like the features they incorporate like lids, cleats, snap in carpet, etc so I'm not slamming them. But for what it's been through I'll say the Tuffy has held up to abuse better than 90% of the glass boats I've saw that have had similar treatments. Many boats treated similar I feel wouldn't be nearly as serviceable if at all. It's not scientific data but it's just real world observations.

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