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Posted 8/4/2017 3:33 PM (#873073 - in reply to #873005)
Subject: Re: Bass boat and big water

Posts: 13688

Location: minocqua, wi.
gregk9 - 8/4/2017 10:24 AM

Glaucus_ - 8/3/2017 12:40 PM

jonnysled - 7/31/2017 3:56 PM
go buy this one ...

or the 522D...
Bass boat built on a 621 hull.

If only someone would make my perfect big water muskie boat:
- 20'+ deep-v hull
- Bass boat interior (high floor/low gunnels)
- 10' Rod lockers
- Flat transom for a kicker

Hard pass for me! If I'm spending that kinda money for a 22 foot boat it better be able to seat at least 4 people!

why would you ever want more than 2 people in a boat? ... i could see bringing the dog, but never more than one other person, and that's a stretch. get off my lawn ... :0)

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