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Posted 7/31/2017 3:56 PM (#872303 - in reply to #871991)
Subject: Re: Bass boat and big water

Posts: 13688

Location: minocqua, wi.
gregk9 - 7/28/2017 7:57 PM

danmuskyman - 7/7/2017 7:17 PM

theres a big name guide in northern WI that fishes out of a 21' bass boat that swears the ride is better in big waves than any of the deep v rigs out there. The one ride I took on LOTW and I'll agree it rode better in waves than my MX 1825

But you're comparing a 21 foot boat with a 18 footer. Length matters! ;)

^yup ...

in the south where bass boats reign there is also ... i know you can't imagine = Big Water. this is why bass boats have become aircraft carriers over time. long and good quality boats are key to being as comfortable as you can be in conditions.

get a short boat, make sure and wear a kidney belt. try driving a 16' deep v sometime ... gotta be the worst ride on the planet ...

go buy this one ...

Edited by jonnysled 7/31/2017 4:33 PM

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