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Posted 6/12/2017 1:14 PM (#864825 - in reply to #864820)
Subject: Re: Ranger Angler vs Fishmerman 619/620

Location: Green Bay, WI
I just bought a (new) 2015 Angler 2080LS, for much less than the new ones cost...and much less than even a 2-3 year old 620. That hull came out in 2015, so you won't find any before that. It's a much better layout for trolling than the 620 is, at least for me. The bow casting deck is pretty large on the 2080, but I've never been a 1880 Angler to know the difference. I think that hull was first released in 2015--and it was the 1860 Angler before that as I recall.

As to big water capability, I talked to a whole bunch of people who run the Reata. I wanted to know how suitable the Angler hull will be for Green Bay. There were a couple people in particular that I talked to, and one used an 18' Reata for guide work for four years...and loved the boat out there on Green Bay. Another fellow I talked to with a 2050 Reata uses it on Lake Eerie every year, and even has a couple of videos of the thing running in Eerie chop. Both guys told me that the hull will go through more than my body will take! So given the information I learned from a few weeks of research, I elected to go with the Angler 2080 that I found.

Incidentally, Quam's (Ranger dealer) just south of Madison has a new 2060 Angler for sale with a 250 Pro XS Merc, as I recall. Might be worth your while taking a look at that rig, if you are at all considering an Angler.


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