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Posting a reply to: Re: Ranger Angler vs Fishmerman 619/620

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Posted 6/7/2017 8:23 AM (#864243 - in reply to #864237)
Subject: Re: Ranger Angler vs Fishmerman 619/620

Posts: 25

Location: Detroit Lakes, MN
Kgonefishin - 6/7/2017 7:32 AM

Ranger changed the hull mid year on the 08's try and find one of those they are better than 06 07 and early 08, they have a more pronounced keel and are better in rough water. If you compare the two they are noticeably different. The Fisherman boats ride alot better and are geared more towards fishing.[/QUOTE

Is this for the 619's or 620's? Any specific way of telling if its an early or late 08?

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