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Posting a reply to: Re: New Helix 10 mega si chirp gps transducer mounting on 681vs

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Posted 6/3/2017 6:51 PM (#863797 - in reply to #863789)
Subject: Re: New Helix 10 mega si chirp gps transducer mounting on 681vs

Location: Green Bay, WI
Yup. The package I just bought on eBay last night has both the SI transducer, and one for 83/200 Hz as well--so I'll mount that one lower if I can figure out a way to do it without obstructing the SI signal. I plan to install the electronics myself, but will look for someone here in the Green Bay area who does installations, and hire them to give me a few tips maybe. Or maybe just hire them to help me--I want to be involved with the install, so I know how/where everything is all installed...and I want to be the one to decide where things get installed.


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