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Posted 3/11/2022 12:20 PM (#1003402 - in reply to #1003374)
Subject: Re: Locking gas caps for boats

CincySkeez - 3/10/2022 3:42 PM

OH Musky - 3/8/2022 5:14 PM

I don't think you can siphon fuel out of the fill tube due to the fill level limiter on a lot of boats but you could cut the hose to the motor and siphon it that way. Would take a lot longer with the smaller fuel hose, though.

This is correct.

I can't find anything about this in my manual but would my 2003 Lund Pro V have that fill level limiter? I keep it on a covered lift most to of the time and someone would have to be a contortionist to get at the gas cap without a key to the lift motor but was just wondering. Thanks

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