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North of 8
Posted 3/8/2022 1:38 PM (#1003299 - in reply to #1003295)
Subject: RE: Locking gas caps for boats

kdawg - 3/8/2022 1:11 PM

With gas prices at an all time record high, it will ultimately lead to gas theft from boats during the night. Does anyone know of a locking gas cap for boats? Kdawg

Back in 2008, gas theft from boats on lifts and at docks was a problem in the northwoods. My neighbor had the whole tank stolen out of his. But, when I mentioned getting a locking gas cap for my pontoon, which has a large internal tank, my buddy talked me out of it. He said he kept about 5 gallons in his boat and that way if they did steal from him, not that big of a loss. His thought was you put a locking cap on and the kind of scum bag that steals gas gets ticked and takes a knife to your mooring cover or upholstery, you have much bigger problem. Couple of quick slashes and you are out hundreds, if not thousands of dollars.

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