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Posted 12/11/2023 9:51 AM (#1025115)
Subject: Lund Predator 2010 Motor Height

Posts: 2

I recently purchased a 2013 Lund Predator 2010 with a 225 Optimax Pro XS. Fully loaded with kicker and an aftermarket windshield the boat just gets up to 50mph, which I'm find with but I'm noticing that that I can fully trim the motor out at WOT and I'm not hitting the point of where you start to lose speed like on other boats. RPMs are slightly 5500 with a 21P prop.

Looking at the motor, the plate above the prop is definitely below the bottom of the boat by an inch or so when both are leveled out. Motor is on the top mount hole but at some point in time it was on the 2nd hole (you can see the paint scuffed from the bolt).

From everything I've been reading it clearly needs to be raised but I'm not 100% certain as to what I'm looking to make certain its 'correct'. Would the goal be to get it to a point that at WOT I can over trim it and star to lose speed/porpoise?

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