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Reef Hawg
Posted 8/13/2017 9:44 AM (#874082)
Subject: New Yam lower unit issue

Posts: 3518

Location: north central wisconsin
Greetings, I repowered my ranger 690T 9 years ago with a Yamaha 90. While I could use a bit more power at times, have been very happy with adequately quick hole shot, and 35mph with two guys/gear.

I hit a stump awhile back at low trolling speed which killed the motor. Over time, the gears eventually started to severely 'grind'. I took to my Marina where was determined I needed a lower unit. Today was the first time out with it, and I could hardly get on plane with wife and kids which has never been an issue, with top speed reduced. No other setting was changed, and my prop wasn't damaged, as I was still getting same performance just after hitting the stump. The motor is very smooth, but just not seeing the power/take off/speed that I was before my old gear case went.

Is it possible that there is a different gear ratio in this new unit? It 'looks' the same as the old one sans the new paint. Just hoping to remedy this soon before my Canada trip.

Thanks much for any insight.

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