Oil question
Posted 3/26/2003 11:01 AM (#64824)
Subject: Oil question

Posts: 485

Location: On my favorite lake!
Does the brand of oil make a difference what brand of oil you mix with as long as it is TWC-3? What are the differences between a Citgo or Pennzoil and a Mercury or Evinrude brand oil.
Posted 3/26/2003 11:15 PM (#64870 - in reply to #64824)
Subject: RE: Oil question

Posts: 32901

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin

Bass And Walleye Boats had a great article covering that issue last Spring, I believe. If you can locate a copy of that issue, it is worth thr read.

Basically, as long as the oil is TCW3, and lists that it meets or exceeds the warranties of all the engine builders, the oil will perform well.

I use a special oil for my Opti Max recommended and blended for the outboard by Quicksliver/Mercury, and figure it to be good insurance.

Posted 3/27/2003 10:56 AM (#64915 - in reply to #64824)
Subject: RE: Favorite time to fish?

Location: Eau Claire,WI
If your outboard is new,you MUST use the manufactures brand of oil or you will void the waranty! If it is a few years old then go with a quality TCW3 oil and you should be fine.You asked what the diferances between some of the brands were,the additives and the amount that they put in the oil.They all might say TCW3 but use a Mercury oil in an OMC,blow the powerhead and they will tell you to break out your credit card!Just a word of advice.